Monday, August 18, 2014


So far so good... our new A/C and heating unit will be installed on Monday of next week, I got the fridge cleaned out (scary and stinky and I will never let it go like that again), a load of laundry done... I'm done for the day. Well, for the most part. Going grocery shopping tonight. Hot date with the hubby.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Friday... what will I do today?

Once again it's almost three in the morning and I'm not asleep. The UVerse drama is over and all is well in that department. Right now I just can't sleep. Ugh.

Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Today is a rare day, I am in a REALLY bad mood and my 'filter' is not on, so I apologize in advance. I can't be Miss Sweetness and Light all the time. Yesterday started out great, got the living room clean (I'm not going to vacuum until ATT is done with their install...which is another part of this blog rant), the dining room is clean except for the floor which I'll do when I do the kitchen, they're connected and the same tile so I'll do them at the same time. Then afternoon hit, ATT couldn't finish the install, and then I just had meltdown when I found out about Robin. I spent the whole night crying. Not sure if I'm done yet, right now I'm just supremely pissed at ATT because Well it's 10AM (they said they'd be here at 8:45 and ATT is still not here (strike 2....) ) Something about they couldn't get behind the back gates. HELLO! They had our phone number they could have called. Grumble grumble. Trying to stay positive. I will be sending a letter to corporate along with a letter to the Installation Manager about how he needs to re-evaluate how he does things, because right now this is just unsat (Navy term for beyond unacceptable). So I go into the kitchen to make myself breakfast, I wanted cereal in my brand new cereal bowl.... I HAVE NO MILK... no one to blame but myself, but still it was a kick in the jimmy. So I'm being good and drinking my 'green juice' and blogging while I'm doing laundry. I really wanted to take a day off today because I'm tired. Ladies, don't get your panties in a wad, no I didn't run any major marathons nor am I balancing the schedules of three rugrats and doing all this... remember the name of the blog... the House Frau, House Wife with NO KIDS. (It's not that I don't like children, I love children, I would have loved to have had one or two, but my plumbing just didn't work)... I deal with major health issues and tire easily. Well, the laundry just beeped at me... must go throw it in the right back. 

This is my home... it's no palace, but it's home.... 

the bed is made and the day begins...

Well, the ATT guy just called and the install tech is on his way. I need to NOT get my BP up today, that would not be good. For those of you who don't know I have a a condition called malignant hypertension. Basically, my blood pressure can go from normal to ridiculously and dangerously high within a split second. It damages my kidneys and weakens my heart. Which reminds me, I need to take my meds... ugh, see, my day is all catty whompus.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Today we do not post.... we just remember the light that went out.

In Memory of Robin

Let us remember him like this. Let's not speculate on the how or why, let's remember him. The tour de' force of comedy as well as drama. A man of deep compassion for all.

I know about depression, and I know about addiction, that's something we both (Robin and I) shared . I've suffered from bipolar from the age of 26, and I've been sober for 19 years. Alcoholism and addiction in general is a hard road to hoe, it takes lots of strength. It makes me angry when people say it was 'selfish'... depression is a disease that we have no control over, and it's not about 'THEM (who say he's selfish), it's about Robin, he was suffering while you were laughing at his movies and stand up. If he would have died of a heart attack would you have called him selfish?

Sunday, August 10, 2014

All by myself...

Well this weekend was David's weekend with the 'Water Buffalos' as I call them, so it was just me and the kitties hanging out for the weekend. I did rest as ordered, but I picked up little things here and there, and finished off a small project of clearing off the dining room sewing table. We have this antique sewing table that belonged to David's grandmother that we inherited and it lives in our dining room. It had also become the 'place where we put things where we don't know where else to put them table'... and it had become a mess. Half the stuff that was on it went into recycling, and the other half was put away in it's place. The dining room is almost done with the exception of my 'purse collection' in the corner and David's 'chair of crap he needs to put away'. There's just no delicate way to put it.  I also need to do the floor in there as well as replace the cat's dish and feeding area. I think that might be the last thing I do as I'm going to have David slowly clear his chair. As I said before, his 'man cave' is his responsibility. I am not going to touch that with a ten foot pole except to put his stuff in that belongs in there. I've been doing the rest of the house mind you, that's his. I certainly don't want him attempting to organize my 'sacred' creative space upstairs. Although we do 'share' the sewing table in it, the rest is MY territory.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Resting today.... it's ok to rest...

I'm resting today.... had a little setback last night, and I've been ordered to rest the next several days while my body gets used to some new meds. I have a hard time resting, makes me feel lazy, like I'm not doing my 'part'.  One has to remember a marriage is 100%/100% not 50/50. I grew up in a household where my grandmother pretty much waited on my grandfather hand and foot, HE was her life. Almost like she had no identity. I know that's not totally true, but when he died, she's pretty much become a fixture on the couch that does nothing but watch TV. It's sad. I love my husband, and I love to do things for him, and with him but we both have our own identities as well. Yesterday David and I had to derail our usual after work rest and dinner routine to go to the urgent care. Because of my background, I felt like I was being a big imposition just asking him to drive me to the clinic. That is totally not the case, David was ready and willing and it's just what married people do. I had a very dysfunctional role model for marriage and home life.

Anyhow, today I'm resting...and I'm frustrated because the bathroom floor and tub need finish cleaning. The towels need washing, the living room needs dusting and 'decluttering'. But I must rest.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Salty 'Gumbo' and other derp moments...

Well, as I'm feeling better I'm getting back into the swing of things. Yesterday the ATT people were supposed to come and install UVerse, but for some reason when I re-scheduled last week I screwed up. They're not coming til this Monday. So yesterday morning I was up bright and early and had laundry done, the kitchen cleaned, I mean REALLY cleaned, the living room vacuumed and dinner prepped.

My 'new' kitchen stove top...

Anyhow, I made a sausage and vegetable 'Cajun' slow cooker meal of my own invention. I won't list the ingredients because you won't want to fix it for yourself... derp #2.  It came out too salty, and when I say too salty it was, even for me. As a heart patient I have to watch my salt, and it was redundantly salty. So needless to say my husband smiled and ate it, he said it was good, but the heart patient here just had a dish of buttered rice for dinner as I was just plain disgusted and didn't want to fix anything else. I was so mad, I worked so hard on it. Have you ever done anything like that? To add insult to injury, over the course of the day my feet and ankles had decided to swell, that was a new one for me. So I resigned myself to the couch, watched Bobcat Goldthwait on Netflix and proceeded to fall asleep. I guess Bobcat isn't as funny as he used to be. 

Monday, August 4, 2014

Yeah, it's been a while

After spending two weeks with my Idaho family in their nice home I came home and felt really depressed. My house is a disaster. I won't mince words. It's not gross with garbage laying around and other things I won't mention, but it's a mess none the less. So with steady resolve I have been constructing a plan to have it in shape by the end of the month. Mind you, David's office is his own to deal with as is his 'chair'. I will be strongly encouraging him to clean off and organize both, or I will do it for him. I just refuse to live in a mess anymore. I used to be very laid back about that kind of thing, but it just kind of snowballed and now I can't find anything anywhere and I lose things constantly in the clutter. I'm a homemaker, and I should be doing as such. Ugh. (Insert mini pity party). Last week both David and I cleaned the downstairs bathroom/cat's room, I've been working on the kitchen (still have to finish cleaning the stove), and all I have now is the living room and upstairs bedroom.