Monday, February 17, 2014

Happy Monday.... at least I hope so.

Today is 'Mac' day. Taking my Mac Book in to see what that heck is going on with it. I've done all I can on my end (RAID, rebooting from disk, reloading software)... so now it's in the hands of the Apple crew. I must tell you, my stomach is in knots. My writing is my life and therapy and my Mac Book is my 'baby'. The hubby and I have been 'sharing' his Mac Book (we're a Mac family) and while it's been helpful, it's just not the same.

I actually slept in until six AM today. David didn't have to work overtime this morning so I was snoozing great until David gently woke me to ask me if my Apple appointment was today, then I was like 'Holy CRAP!' and jumped out of bed. I need to unload the dishwasher, I ran that yesterday before we left for church. I also need to unpack the new duvet cover we bought at Ikea yesterday. It's a pretty navy blue. Now we just need new sheets. When I was younger and before I met my husband, thread count didn't matter to me. Frankly, I didn't understand the whole concept, a sheet was a sheet. My eyes were opened after we were married and I had purchased a 'Bed in a Bag' sheet and comforter set from 'Wally World'.... it was 250 thread count and stiff and it took several washings to soften up. At the time, money was an issue and I thought I had gotten a great deal. Well, you get what you pay for. I am now a sheet snob and won't sleep on anything below 600 thread count and a down comforter. It does matter for a good night's sleep.

Well, I'm off for now. Have a great Monday and I'll post an update when I find out more about my 'baby'.

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