Thursday, February 13, 2014

Why I'm here....

I am a house frau and proud of it!

Why is it that a majority of the articles I have found regarding being a home maker/house wife always put kids in the picture??? I don't have children, but I am a home maker and proud of it, but ignorant people still give me the look when I say I'm a home maker. The look that says.... you don't have any children so what do you do all day??? Put down your lighters you feminists, this is MY choice. I had a career, but I didn't let it define me. I am ME, a creative, happy, strong woman who chooses to stay at home and manage her household along with other things. One of them writing, I am a blogger. So when you meet a woman and she says she's a home maker, don't dismiss her because she's not part of the 'working world'... she is, we most certainly are.

I have been researching further and have found some more blogs and sites for women who are home makers without children. I have found a few. Came across a very disturbing site... 'The Stepford Wives'. Oh HELL to the NO. While I love my husband, and enjoy my home making lifestyle, I am NOT a maid or Mommy to my husband's sometimes mess. I have read on there that they don't mind picking up after their husband's, that's all well and good, but I was not put on this Earth to let my husband make a mess and expect me to clean it up simply because I stay at home and don't have a career out of the home. Nor do I dress to please my husband... what the heck is that all about?? After years in the Navy I have earned the right to dress how I please when I am in my own home. My husband didn't marry me for a fashion show, or to be a mindless robot bound to 'serve' my husband. Don't get me wrong, I like to do nice things for my husband but I'm not going to drop whatever I'm doing the minute he hits the threshold of our door to bring him a drink and his slippers. He's a big boy, he can do things on his own. Yeah, he's worked a long day, but that doesn't mean he needs to be waited on hand and foot. We're partners in this marriage, and while my career isn't outside the home, we still respect each other's space as well as take care of each other's needs. I am a Christian woman, but I have a hard time with that whole 'submissive' movement that many Conservative Christian wives are a part of. God gave us free will, a mind, a soul and spirit. My husband loves me because I can think for myself, that we can have intelligent conversations that are outside of the realm of figuring out what he wants for dinner. I may be exaggerating what I saw on that site, but that was all my first impression. 

To the girls out there, there is so much for you to do now.... college, military, careers, marriage, motherhood. The wonderful part of it is now that you have a CHOICE that is yours and no one else's. I've done it all, minus the motherhood. Unfortunately my body had other ideas. I used to let the fact that I wasn't a mother consume me, only because that's what I felt my family and peers expected of me. I got over it. I am no less of a woman because I do not have children. I am not selfish either. Yeah, I've been called selfish and a 'sinner' because I had a hysterectomy at a young age. My reasons were my own, medically and personally. I am blessed with a wonderful family that consists of my husband and myself and our two kitties, Tybalt and Trinket. Don't let other's people ignorance define you. Embrace who you are, not what people expect of you. 

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