Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Ladies... and Gentlemen if you are reading this...

Got 17 views, no comments, wondering if I offended anyone. I'm a social mutt so to speak, I'm fiscally conservative, socially liberal and I am a Christian. You won't find me discussing politics on this blog and please, don't post anything about your political views on this blog. That's not what it's there for. I'm here to blog about my daily life, offer up recipes, life hacks, some humor here and there, and every once in a while we may have a guest blogger. 

What has today been like? My husband works in an eyeglass lab, and it's crunch time, so he's been working a lot of overtime. Not working late, but going in at 5AM and working on Saturdays. I used to not be a morning person. If you woke me before 11AM you would be asking for trouble in the form of a refugee from the zombie apocalypse. Going on two weeks now and I have been up at either 3:30AM or 4AM bringing my hubby a hot cup of coffee to get his day started and sometimes packing his lunch for him. It's the little things that we do for each other that matter, and helping him get his day started in a positive way is one of those things. He's more productive at work which makes him happy, the boss happy, and in general...everyone happy. Anyhow, I'm actually starting to like this routine. I find myself getting more done, and I feel more energetic. My late mother in law (God rest her soul) would be proud. She taught me a lot about keeping house and the 'art of being a good wife'. When my husband asked me to marry him my answer wasn't yes or no it was "I can't cook".  His answer was "We shall have to remedy that." (Said in true Mel Gibson 'Braveheart' fashion).  This Valentine's morning I was unprepared... meaning David's Valentine's gift was not wrapped and still hidden in my unused purse next to the kitchen table. Don't ask. David, on the other hand, was. I don't know how he found the time with his crazy schedule this week, and commenting to me that he had not found the time to find me anything and he felt bad. Yeah right. Out came a medium size gift box with a silver heart on it... with a card. The card was beautiful, made me cry. Inside the box was a collection of freshwater pearl bracelets of every color... beautiful. Pearl is my birthstone. Yup, he's a keeper. Not because of that though. 

The past almost 19 years have not been easy. We've been married for almost 17. Apart for a year while I was still in the Navy and he had already retired and moved to CA to start his college and job and find a place for us to live. For you young ladies in love, young love. Marriage is work. It's not all flowers and romance and sex. It's communication, respect, friendship, teamwork, and unconditional love. David and I have been blessed to have our faith at the center of our marriage, without it I don't believe we would have made it sometimes. We've lost our baby, I lost my mind (breakdown and diagnosed with bipolar disorder), both of his parents died of cancer within seven years of each other, we've had to move twice, we've lost jobs, we've supported each other through college... Through it we have grown so much as a couple. 

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