Friday, February 28, 2014

You really should listen to your Dr.'s voicemail when he calls...

I DO NOT HAVE A TORN ROTATOR on...I really should listen to my voicemail when my Dr. calls. My Dr.'s phone number popped up on my phone yesterday around 5, and I thought it was just my physical therapy reminder. No. So here's the news.... I DON'T HAVE A TORN ROTATOR CUFF! It's just a sprain. The MRI specialist sent the report to the Dr. on Monday (Dr. was out Monday - Wednesday), what was thought to be a tear as viewed on the computer by the ortho and my Dr. was in fact a shadow from my bone spur and the sprain swelling. Dr. had thought it only a sprain in the first place otherwise I would have been in severe pain sooner. Duh, that's what I'm thinking. They got to see the image before the specialist saw it on Friday and based on the ortho's opinion thought it was a tear. What a bonehead, no pun intended, Mr. Ortho... So no sling and continue with physical therapy until shoulder is strengthened. That totally made the beginning of what is going to be a fabulous, although rainy day! Whoot!

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